Appendix F. A comparison of data protection malpractices in our taxonomy and prior literature

Category/ Subcategory

Smith et al. (1996)

Wang et al. (1998)

Sen and Borle (2015)

Posey et al. (2017)

D'Arcy et al. (2020)

Khan et al. (2021)

Data protection obligations (A)







Inadequate information obligations (A1)







Inadequate data risk assessment obligations (A2)







Inadequate corporate oversight obligations (A3)







Inadequate cooperation obligations (A4)







Inadequate notification obligations (A5)







Data harvesting (B)

Unauthorized data harvesting (B1)

Excessive data harvesting (B2)






Forced consent (B3)







Improper procedure for informed consent (B4)







Unfulfilled request for consent revocation (B5)







Data fraud (B6)




Data storage (C)

Unauthorized access to personal data (C1)


Excessive access to personal data (C2)






Unfulfilled request for data access (C3)







Unfulfilled request for data rectification (C4)







Unfulfilled request for data deletion (C5)







Insecure data storage (C6)

Excessive data storage (C7)







Data processing (D)

Secondary use of personal data (D1)






Unauthorized data processing (D2)



Excessive data processing (D3)






Unfulfilled request for objection to data processing (D4)







Insecure data processing (D5)






Erroneous data processing (D6)



Data transfer (E)






Unauthorized data transfer (E1)






Insecure data transfer (E2)







Data selling (E3)







Data disposal (F)







Insecure data disposal (F1)









1.          D’Arcy J, Adjerid I, Angst C M and Glavas A (2020) Too good to be true: Firm social performance and the risk of data breach. Information Systems Research 31(4), 1200-1223.

2.          Khan F, Kim J H, Mathiassen L and Moore R (2021) Data breach management: An integrated risk model. Information & Management 58(1), 103392.

3.          Posey C, Raja U, Crossler R E and Burns A J (2017) Taking stock of organisations’ protection of privacy: Categorising and assessing threats to personally identifiable information in the USA. European Journal of Information Systems 26(6), 585-604.

4.          Sen R and Borle S (2015) Estimating the contextual risk of data breach: An empirical approach. Journal of Management Information Systems 32(2), 314-341.

5.          Smith H J, Milberg S J and Burke S J (1996) Information privacy: Measuring individuals' concerns about organizational practices. MIS Quarterly 20(2), 167-196.

6.          Wang H, Lee M K and Wang C (1998) Consumer privacy concerns about Internet marketing. Communications of the ACM 41(3), 63-70.